Ladies Ministry

A ministry by women for women — all for the glory of God.

Who we are

We are women of God who know we were created on purpose FOR a purpose. We celebrate one another & build each other up. We minister to each other in prayer, and see God do miraculous things in our lives. This is the greatest time to be on planet earth.

Chick Church is ministry BY women, FOR Women, All for the glory of God.

2025 Chick Church Gatherings:

  • February 07, 7PM | WORD OF THE YEAR REVEAL! (bring a dessert to share!)
  • April 11, 7PM (6:15pm shared dinner. RSVP for theme)
  • June 13, 7PM (6:15pm shared dinner. RSVP for theme!)
  • August 08, 7PM (6:15pm shared dinner. RSVP for theme!)
  • October 10, 7PM (6:15pm shared dinner. RSVP for theme!)
  • December 12, 7PM (6:15pm shared dinner. RSVP for theme!)

FLOURISH 2024 | The Righteous shall flourish (Proverbs 11:28B) They are planted in the lord’s house, they will flourish in our God’s courts. (Psalm 92:13 AMP) TO FLOURISH IS: “To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment. To be in a state of activity & production: expanding in influence, thriving”

FEBRUARY | Phone Lock Screen (free download!)

Phone wallpaper.

Hard press on the image and then select "save to photos" so you can make it your phone lockscreen!

WHY DO WE USE SCRIPTURE DECLARATIONS? Click here to watch a video by Pastor Amy

Beautiful, you are loved.